For the Week of January 1, 2000 / 23 Tevet 5760
Torah: Shemot / Exodus 1:1 - 6:1
Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6 - 28:13; 29:22,23

God Has Come Down

I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them… (Shemot / Exodus 3:8,9).

God came down to rescue his people. God is real. Yet spiritual reality for many people is about concepts, feelings, and states of mind. According to this viewpoint, believing in God is no different than accepting a philosophy.

You may be religious, but God may not be real to you either. The saying of a prayer, the giving of charity, or the celebration of a holiday may have more to do with family pressure, personal identity, or superstition than anything remotely related to the experience of Moses in our portion this week.

Here we read that the Creator of the universe was giving specific attention to the plight of his people. He made a willful decision to get involved in their affairs. He saw their suffering, and he was in the process of doing something about it.

And that is exactly what he desires to do for each one of us. What God did for the nation of Israel is what he wants to do for us as individuals. This is the main purpose of the coming of the Messiah.

The prophet Isaiah said, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (meaning God with us)" (Isaiah 7:14).

When Yeshua the Messiah was born in Bethlehem two thousand years ago, God was saying to us, "I have seen your misery and suffering, and I have come down to rescue you."

Whatever your misery and suffering might be, God in his mercy and love has come to earth to rescue you. Through Yeshua you can know the relief you so desperately need. While most of the time the help he brings us is in the unseen areas of our lives, it is no less real than the incredible miraculous deliverance he accomplished for the nation Israel so long ago.

For this reality to be yours, you need to open your heart and life to him. God has no desire to have relationship with you unless you are willing to have one with him. But if you do want him in your life, if you want to know the help and deliverance that only he can provide, ask him for it, and you will know that he has indeed come down to save you.

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