The very first TorahBytes message was posted the week of the 8th of Heshvan 5758 on the Jewish calendar, which that year coincided with November 8, 1997.
My first message was entitled Being a Blessing, where I reflected on the Torah portion Lech Lecha, which begins with Abram’s call. Like Abram, I was embarking on a journey to a destination I didn’t know, hoping that my online writing might be, like Abram, a blessing to many.
I had no idea that I would still be providing these short Torah messages twenty years later. God has been so good in encouraging me to keep going all this time!
Has TorahBytes been a blessing to you these past twenty years?
If so, would you help me celebrate this milestone by sending me how TorahBytes has been a blessing to you?
What I would like to do is share a few of your stories of blessing on the TorahBytes web site and/or Facebook page. And one random submission will be selected to receive a free copy of my TorahBytes collection, Torah Light: Insights from the Books of Moses.
I will be happy to ship at no charge anywhere in the world where Book Depository serves (the shipping method is at my discretion, not necessarily via Book Depository).
Submissions will be received until November 3, 2017.
Send your submissions to
Important! by submitting your TorahBytes story to this email, you are giving explicate permission to post your story online along with your first name, initial of your surname, and country along with province or state (if in North America).
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20th anniversary comments
What a blessing TorahBytes has been to me. I’ve been reading and receiving TorahBytes via email for the past ten years. I enjoy Alan Gilman’s insights and pictures attached each week on how God’s Word touch the hearts of believers. He keeps the audience fixed on the Living Word of God, through his inspiring messages of hope and truth through these Inspiring truthful stories of the Torah and how we too can relate these messages to our own lives. I am very blessed how Alan Gilman has followed his calling by writing these messages of hope through TorahBytes. – Sandra M. San Antonio, Texas
Congratulations on twenty years of helping the rest of us become more epic in our telling of the Good News. I am a more well-rounded person because of TorahBytes and Alan Gilman’s heart for both Israel and the Nations. – Ed H., British Columbia, Canada
Just want to thank you for the dedication to the TorahBytes, it is your calling. Amongst the many emails I get every week I almost always take the few minutes to read them. – Arnold W.. Ontario, Canada